According to the records, 17.1 per cent of the women domestic help flee from their jobs due to sexual abuse. And over 37 per cent of the women workers who return back home, cannot bring back their due wages. And 47 per cent have no future plans. Of the female migrant workers, 44 per cent went to Saudi Arabia, where there is the highest amount of physical and sexual abuse.

Of the 1,687 complaints coming in from expatriate workers under the Strengthened and Informative Migration Systems Project, 90 were made by women, and 12 of these were related to physical and sexual abuse. Another study looked into the cause of death of  691 women workers returning to the country from 2017 to October 2021. According to the death certificates, 69 per cent o these workers died of natural causes (including various illnesses) and 31 per cent of unnatural causes (accidents, suicide).

An autopsy of the bodies may have revealed how these accidents occurred, who was responsible, but the families of the deceased are unwilling to go through this because of social reasons. And our embassies or the expatriate welfare ministry are not seen to be very active in this regard either. And so many murders are passed off as accidental deaths.


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