The government is claiming that there is a conspiracy centering the quota reform movement. Awami League has been in government for over 15 years now. The administration, the law enforcement agencies, the intelligence agencies are all in their control. So why couldn't they detect the conspiracy in advance? Actually we are in the midst of a crude political fight. The reason behind this is that there has been no fair, credible election in the country over the past 15 years. It is only natural for people to have pent up anger against the government. The political parties too will be on the lookout for a chance to stir up a movement.

During the movement, the police indiscriminately used tear gas shells, sound grenades, rubber bullets and gunfire. With whose money have these bullets, tear gas shells, sound grenades been bought? These have been bought with the taxpayers' money. Has Awami League forgotten the words of Bangabandhu's 7 March speech -- "They are shooting my people with the weapons bought with the money of my people?"

Over the last few days people have been shot dead indiscriminately. Over 150 people have been killed, though this isn't even the accurate figure. One day of the other this issue will be raised. There will be investigations, there will be justice.

The people take to the streets, damage property -- who taught them this? It is our politicians who have taught them this. Burning vehicles, setting buildings on fire is all the part of our political nature. Awami League which is in power now, will do the same if they go to the opposition one day. The government says they have shut down the internet to control the miscreants. But hundreds of thousands of people in the country depend on the internet for their livelihood. Has the government taken them into consideration?

We are going through a period of unrest. None of us know when things will be back to normal. People's livelihood has come to a standstill. On one hand the demonstrators are talking about a complete shutdown. One the other hand the government has imposed curfew. So from both sides things have come been brought to a halt. And amidst all of this there are clashes and gunfire.


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