In June of this year, Justin Timberlake was detained in Sag. Harbour, New York, for a DWI incident. At a subsequent court session on Friday, July 26, Timberlake's legal representatives asserted that he was not intoxicated at the time of his arrest. Following the hearing, his attorney spoke to the media.

Edward Burke Jr, attorney for the "SexyBack" singer, stated in court that Timberlake was "not intoxicated" when Sag Harbor police arrested him for DWI. Burke requested the case be dismissed, citing purported police errors during the arrest. 

Judge Carl Irace of Sag Harbor Village accepted the motion for review. However, he urged that Timberlake must return for a hearing on August 2, pending any necessary amendments to the charges.

Timberlake was absent from the court session on Friday due to his commitments with the Forget Tomorrow Tour in Europe. However, he will need to participate in the next court hearing online.

In a statement to the reporters, Timberlake's attorney said, "He was not intoxicated. I'll say it again. Justin Timberlake was not intoxicated. And we are very confident that charge — that criminal charge — will be dismissed."

In a subsequent statement to CNN, he mentioned, "The most important fact to know about this case is that Justin was not intoxicated and should not have been arrested for DWI. The police made a number of very significant errors in this case."

He continued in the statement by adding, "Justin respects law enforcement and the very important job that they do. He cooperated with the police officers at all times and treated them with the respect they deserve. He also respects the entire judicial process including the District Attorney and Judge who were in court today. But the fact remains, he was not intoxicated and they made an error in arresting him for it. We are confident that this charge will be dismissed."

The Friday hearing was arranged several weeks following the arrest of the "I Can't Stop The Feeling" artiste, who faced a charge of driving while intoxicated (DWI) along with two citations for traffic violations, including running a red light and failing to stay within his lane. A police department spokesperson indicated that the arrest occurred because the singer allegedly did not stop at a properly placed stop sign and failed to maintain his designated lane.

According to the source, the singer and his wife, Jessica Biel, "have confidence in their legal team and are concentrating on their work and family instead." The source also noted that the couple has always supported each other's careers, with Biel attending every show of the former NSYNC member. "They have moved past the arrest," the source added.


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